Why you should always fight a Michigan traffic ticket.

By Attorney James Czarnecki|Czarnecki & Taylor PLLC|NOV 4, 2022

Why you should always fight your traffic ticket.
Why you should always fight a Michigan traffic ticket.

Fighting a traffic ticket can be challenging, but it is worthwhile. If you receive a ticket for breaking any traffic law, make sure to always fight a Michigan traffic ticket. You want to avoid points on your license and increased insurance premiums.

Every year, police issue thousands of Michigan residents speeding tickets. Among other reasons, police often issue tickets for:

  • Running a red light
  • Disobeying traffic control device
  • Illegal turn
  • Changing lanes without signaling
  • Distracted driving – texting

The list of reasons people get tickets is seemingly endless. Once people receive a ticket, they are often tempted to pay the fine, or even worse, go to court to fight it alone. Don’t do either.

There is a much better option.

If you get a ticket, then you need to learn how an attorney can represent you to work to prevent tickets do not get added to your permanent driving record. Here’s why.

Why you should always fight your ticket

A Michigan traffic ticket can really be a pain, but it is important that you fight it if you want to prevent the following:

1) You will have points added to your driving record. If you are convicted of a traffic violation, those tickets and points will be put to your driving record and will remain there for two years. This is important because these points will be added to your driving record every time you are found guilty or plead guilty for a violation, and too many of them can lead to license suspension.

2) You might have to pay higher fines. While the exact amount of the fine varies depending on which traffic offense you were accused of breaking, it is usually around $150 or more per ticket. If you get multiple tickets within a certain period of time, then the fines may even increase in size as well.

3) Your insurance rates could go up. Once again, this depends largely on what type of violation you were ticketed for by the police. Once your insurance company sees the points on your record, they will increase your insurance rates.

4) Your license could get suspended. If you have enough points on your driving record, or if you commit some very serious offenses like reckless driving, then your license may be suspended.

Just remember, there are legal defenses available to fight tickets. By working with an experienced attorney, you can present the strongest defense possible at court to make sure that this does not happen to you.

Here is why you should hire an attorney to fight your Michigan traffic ticket.

  1. Michigan traffic laws can be confusing

Yes, we agree, traffic law is not the most complex area of the law. However, it can be quite nuanced and confusing. You only need to read the traffic laws to see how it could evolve into a problem. I have seen hundreds of traffic ticket hearings to see how people talk themselves right into responsibility for the ticket. People almost always make it easier for the police during the hearing. Rarely does a judge find in favor of the driver.

If you decide to represent yourself, you will have to know the law when you have your chance to cross-examine the police officer. For the person who does not do this for a living, the task can be challenging. Just look at the traffic laws.

Michigan state police traffic laws – frequently asked questions

However, if you hire an experienced attorney who regularly handles traffic tickets, they understand the law and city ordinances. It is safe to say that an experienced attorney will have seen most, if not all, of the traffic citations that have been issued. You are better off having an experienced attorney argue on your behalf. Hiring an attorney to fight a Michigan traffic ticket is a small investment that will have huge benefits for you.

2. An experienced attorney can have the ticket dismissed or reduced

Some people believe they should just pay the ticket without ever going to court. Of course, it seems easier. But, in the long run, it’s not. Once the civil infraction is put on your driving record, the points remain there for two years. Your insurance company loves this because they will raise your rates. You have to spend more money on coverage. No one wants to do that, especially since Michigan has the highest insurance rates in the country.

The best thing you can do is hire an attorney to represent you. Sometimes the attorney can get the ticket completely dismissed. Most of the time, however, the attorney will get the ticket reduced. A reduction saves points on your driving record and saves you money with your insurance carrier. Sometimes, your attorney will argue for a reduction does not get reported to the Secretary of State.

Your attorney’s relationship with the prosecutor and city attorney also benefits you. Most criminal defense attorneys who handle traffic tickets are in court daily. Most people rarely spend time in court and have no contact with the prosecutors. Attorneys, however, build relationships with the prosecutors who handle the tickets. Having an attorney with a good relationship with the prosecutor helps to get the ticket resolved in your favor, especially if the police officer does not want a reduction.

3. Alternative resolutions

Some people have bad driving records. While an attorney stands a strong chance of getting the ticket reduced in this situation, sometimes the police officer will not agree to a reduction because of the person’s bad driving record.

An attorney can propose an alternative resolution to the case. Usually, the officer, city attorney, or prosecutor will reduce the traffic ticket if the person attends a traffic class. While no one wants to attend a class, it can and will save you points and money. In Michigan, a person can usually participate in the class online. It is relatively quick and easy.

4. Hiring a Michigan traffic ticket attorney saves you money

Everyone agrees that saving money is a good idea. Not hiring a lawyer will cost you more money in the long run. One reason people do not hire an attorney is because they believe the small cost of a lawyer for a traffic ticket outweighs the benefits. This couldn’t be more wrong.

It’s not a secret that people with a clean driving record usually get a break from the court or a police officer. However, this is not always true. Anyone who has spent time in Oakland County knows that a reduction can be difficult to achieve.

Secretary of State Point assessments

On average, a person will spend more money on fines, costs, and insurance rates without an attorney. So, when you are issued a traffic ticket that carries points, you should not represent yourself to save money. The small investment in an attorney pays for itself.

I cannot overstate this point. If the court finds you responsible for the traffic violation, the ticket will show up on your driving record. The more points you have on your record, the higher your premiums will be.

Insurance companies can and will use your driving record against you. They use your driving record to calculate and increase your insurance rates. You better believe that insurance companies do not want you to hire a lawyer to keep points off of your driving record. So, not only are you fighting a ticket, you are fighting the greedy insurance companies.

A single traffic ticket can raise your insurance rates by hundreds or possibly thousands of dollars over a few years. At Czarnecki & Taylor, we charge $350 for traffic tickets. So, when you compare increased costs of insurance rates with the cost of an attorney, you should immediately see the cost savings. Who doesn’t want to save hundreds or thousands of dollars?

Taking the easiest route, paying the ticket, is not the best choice. The best move you can make is to challenge every ticket with an experienced Michigan traffic ticket attorney. A traffic attorney who can effectively negotiate tickets will keep money in your pocket. This is especially true when your insurance rates will be increased for several years because of a single ticket.

Our office has handled several hundred or more traffic tickets. We save our clients, time, money, and points when we go to court. So, why not invest in an attorney who will save you money over time?

5. An attorney may be able to reopen the ticket if you already paid it

Suppose you pay the ticket and regret it later. Depending on how much time has passed, an attorney can move to reopen the ticket and reduce or eliminate the points. People often regret the rush to pay their ticket. So, don’t. Hire an attorney to handle it for you.

6. An attorney will save you time

When you hire an attorney for a traffic ticket, they will file an appearance, notifying the court that an attorney will represent you. This means the attorney will appear in court for you. You will not have to attend court and miss work. You will not have to make childcare arrangements. When the case is resolved, the attorney will usually get you two weeks to pay the fine. You never have to appear in court. For a small fee, the Michigan traffic ticket attorney will do all the work for you.

Learn more why you should hire an attorney to handle your traffic ticket and why it’s in your best interest to hire a lawyer.

Contact Czarnecki & Taylor

Getting a ticket can be a stressful situation for some. While people try to avoid traffic tickets, it happens. Even lawyers get tickets.

If you get a ticket, don’t represent yourself. Sometimes it works out for you. But, what if it doesn’t? A small investment in Czarnecki & Taylor will save you points, money, and time.

If you received a ticket, contact our office to discuss your options. Czarnecki & Taylor offers free consultations.

Czarnecki & Taylor PLLC’s experienced attorneys will handle your case with care and help you through every step of the process. For a free consultation, call us today at (586) 718-2345 or online for a prompt response. We are available 24/7 and have weekend and evening appointments.