BAC Limits in Michigan for DUI Charges

BAC Limits in Michigan for DUI Charges
BAC Limits in Michigan for DUI Charges

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense that can have severe consequences. It is crucial to understand the legal guidelines and blood alcohol content, BAC limits in Michigan associated with drinking and driving. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the BAC limits in Michigan, the physiological factors affecting BAC levels, additional BAC factors, measured units of alcohol, special BAC circumstances and limits, and the penalties for high BAC offenses.

BAC Limits in Michigan

In Michigan, the legal BAC limit is below 0.08. If a person tests at or above .08, they will be charged with a drunk driving offense, commonly known in Michigan as operating while intoxicated (OWI). However, even if a person’s BAC is below the legal limit, they can still be charged with drunk driving if the arresting officer determines that their driving is impaired by alcohol through observation or field sobriety tests.

An Overview of a First-Offense Michigan DUI.

Physiological Factors Affecting BAC

Several physiological factors influence how the body absorbs, processes, and is affected by alcohol. One significant factor is gender. Women generally have higher body fat content, which can keep alcohol in the bloodstream for a longer period compared to men. This is because alcohol gravitates towards water, and women’s higher fat content provides less water for the alcohol to dilute into. As a result, if a man and a woman of equal weight consume the same amount of alcohol, the woman will typically have a higher BAC for a longer duration.

The following charts can assist you in tracking your BAC while drinking.  This chart is provided as an estimate, and should not be taken as medical advice or rules. Please always drink responsibly and be aware of your limits.



It is important to note that women’s livers are actually more efficient at eliminating alcohol than men’s livers. On average, men have a BAC elimination rate of 0.015 per hour, while women have an average rate of 0.018 per hour. However, the higher fat content per body weight in women, combined with their smaller average body size compared to men, means that the same size drink will have different effects on BAC levels over time. The charts will provide you a rough idea of whether you are operating within the legal BAC limits in Michigan.

Additional BAC Factors

Apart from gender, several other factors can affect the rate at which the body absorbs and metabolizes alcohol. These factors include the rate of alcohol consumption, the amount of food consumed before and during drinking, concurrent use of prescription medications, timing of alcohol consumption, smoking habits, use of birth control or hormone pills, and fatigue or sleep deprivation. Therefore, it is important to consider these variables when determining a person’s BAC. Alcohol affects people differently depending on their age, weight, and health conditions.

Finally, some individuals may be more prone to developing tolerance for alcohol because of genetics. This means that they will have an increased ability to consume large amounts of alcoholic beverages without experiencing the same effects as someone with a lower tolerance.

Measured Units of Alcohol and BAC

To accurately measure alcohol consumption, it is best to use standardized units rather than simply counting drinks. Different alcoholic beverages have varying alcohol content, making it essential to understand the concept of a standard drink. In Michigan, a unit of alcohol is equivalent to:

  • 5-6 oz of wine with a 12% alcohol content
  • 12 oz of beer with a 5% alcohol content
  • 1.5 oz of 80 proof liquor

On average, consuming one unit of alcohol will raise BAC levels by approximately 0.02 to 0.025.

Special BAC Circumstances and Limits

Michigan has special BAC limits for certain situations. For “high BAC” or “Super Drunk” offenses, which involve a measured blood alcohol content of 0.17 or higher, it significantly increased the penalties compared to standard OWI offenses.

These offenses are part of Michigan’s “Super Drunk” legislation, which is designed to reduce the number of individuals driving with a BAC at or above 0.17. For first time Super Drunk offenders, the penalties can include:

Drivers convicted of super drunk high BAC face enhanced penalties. These include:

  • Jail time – possible jail time of up to 180 days. This is nearly double the normal OWI offense, which is punishable by up to 93 days in jail.
  • Fines and costs – The fines and costs for a High BAC super drunk driving are higher than a traditional OWI and range between $200.00-$700.00.
  • Community service – Up to 360 hours of community service.
  • Driver license sanction – The SOS will suspend your driving privileges for an entire year. The first 45 days of the suspension is a “hard suspension”. This means no driving. After the 45 days, you will have restricted driving privileges, for the following 320 days. However, you can only driver after a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) is installed on all vehicles that you will drive. If you drive a car without a BAIID, then your vehicle may be immobilized.
  • 6 Points – A conviction will result in 6 points being added to your driving record.

Minors in Michigan face a zero-tolerance policy, meaning any measurable amount of alcohol in their system can lead to a drunk driving arrest. The BAC limit for minors is set at 0.02%. CDL holders, who operate commercial vehicles, have a lower BAC limit of 0.04% due to the increased risk they pose to other motorists on the road.

If you are facing DUI charges in Michigan, it is crucial to seek legal representation to understand your rights and navigate the complexities of the legal system. DUI convictions can have long-lasting consequences, including hefty fines, license suspension, and potential jail time. Experienced DUI defense attorneys can provide guidance, build a strong defense strategy, and advocate for your best interests. See also Macomb County DUI Lawyer.

At Czarnecki & Taylor, we have over 35 years of combined experience in criminal defense, specifically in handling DUI cases. Our team of dedicated attorneys understands Michigan law, the intricacies of DUI cases, and how to challenge evidence and protect our clients’ rights. Top Michigan DUI Lawyers. We conduct thorough investigations, review police reports for errors, and consult experts when necessary. If you are facing DUI charges in Michigan, Czarnecki & Taylor will provide you with effective legal representation.

How An Expert Michigan DUI Attorney Will Make a Difference.


Understanding the BAC limits in Michigan is crucial for anyone facing drunk driving charges or seeking to stay within legal guidelines while drinking and driving. Physiological factors, additional BAC factors, measured units of alcohol, and special BAC circumstances all play a role in determining BAC levels and the potential consequences of high BAC offenses. Seeking legal help from experienced DUI defense attorneys is essential for protecting your rights and navigate the legal system effectively.

Contact Czarnecki & Taylor

At Czarnecki & Taylor, we have years of experience defending clients against DUI charges in Michigan. Our team of skilled attorneys will thoroughly investigate your case and work to build a strong defense on your behalf.

Contact Czarnecki & Taylor today to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can help you fight for your rights and future. We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible outcome in their case. Our team is available 24/7, so don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. Let us put our expertise and experience to work for you.

Call (586) 718-2345 any time to schedule a free consultation. You can also use the email button below to send us an email about your case.