What happens at a Macomb County probation violation hearing?

By Attorney James Czarneck|Czarnecki & Taylor PLLC|OCT 31, 2022

What happens at a Macomb County probation violation hearing.
What happens at a Macomb County probation violation hearing?

In Michigan, court may place someone on Macomb County probation after a conviction.  The Michigan Legislature states that “the granting of probation is a matter of grace conferring no vested right to its continuance.” Essentially, the law states that a defendant does not have a right to probation. The court can revoke a probationary term if the probationer violates any of the conditions set by the court.  Revocation of Probation Statute. 

One of the biggest concerns for many individuals placed on probation is a violation hearing. This can be a very nerve-racking situation and one that could have a drastic impact upon your life. For example, the court could put you in jail or revoke a special status where the court puts the conviction on your record. This article describes what you can expect from a Macomb County probation violation.  The following information applies to both district court and circuit court violations.

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