How to find a great Michigan criminal lawyer near you.
When you want to find a great Michigan criminal lawyer near you, the search process can be complicated. There are many aspects to consider when searching for representation, and knowing what to look for can help you find the right lawyer for your case. There are many qualified lawyers in Michigan, so how do you choose the right one? Here are some tips to help you find a great criminal lawyer near you.
NyQuil use as a defense for a positive alcohol test while on probation.
NyQuil’s use as an alcohol test defense is offered as a way to explain a positive test for probation and interlock violations. While NyQuil contains alcohol, the effect should not be enough to produce a positive alcohol test result when used properly. The results would be negligible at best.
There are many reasons you should not use NyQuil as a defense for a positive alcohol test while on probation. First and foremost, the courts have heard this too many times. Using NyQuil as a defense against an alcohol test while on probation can actually make you look suspect in other ways. For example, will raise concerns about your overall sobriety, or suggest that you are trying to hide something from your probation officer.
The problem with NyQuil as an alcohol test defense is that the alcohol in a dose of NyQuil is too short-lived to produce a substantial blood alcohol level. NyQuil effects last for 2 hours before they subside entirely. Therefore, any test will capture your actual drinking pattern because the alcohol level would be at .00 a short time later.